1. A student shall not be promoted to the next higher class unless he/she attends at least 75% of the lectures delivered in each subject during the academic session. In addition to other concurrent provisions in this regard.
  2. There shall be attendance calculation in each month which will be notified in the notice board in the succeeding month of dues payable to the college prior to the college election, examination as a matter of concern to each student ..
  3. Condonation of attendance between 60% to 75% may be granted to a student in exceptional cases or medical ground only on production of valid medical certificate along with condonation fees as determined by the college authority.
  4. Students coming from other colleges on transfer should apply for the combination of attendance accompanied by the written consent of the principal in which the student is studying and the principal of the college to which the student seeks transfer along with the permission of the university / CHSE to combine the attendance as the case may be .
  5. Each transfer from the college to the other shall be recommended in case of transfer/ death/retirement of parent/guardian or change of place of domicile.
  6.  The University  may grant 5% attendance when a student represents the college in state level activities like YRC, NCC, and Sports